Ronda got laid out last night by Holly Holm!
Nasty stuff goin' on there in Australia...
Holly Holm.
a not so delicate Female...
but she does look somewhat innocent,
looks like she is sorta saying...
"I don't know what came over me! Other
than the Fact that I read recently that Ronda was backing Bernie Sanders"
and then the fact I have been the World Boxing Champion for
two years in a row why would anyone be surprised?
Ronda was a Judo Champ. Like who doesn't know
that a Boxer beats a judo-er
Holly went on to say, "I'm not certain who I'm
backing in the Presidential Race, I just know
it will not be Bernie or Hillary"
and if I knew how to use that link thing on top of the screen...@#$!!
Pea..these ladies weigh 135lbs. How bad ass can they be? Other than the head kick, you'd have nothing to worry about! Heyaaaa!!
I actually think that Holly is Hotter than Ronda
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