Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Mayor Nutter is castigating Candidate Trump

Nutter said that if he had the power, he would Ban Trump from the City of Philadelpia.

Well fortunately Nutter can not do that. Actually no Mayor, Governor
or City Council member can Ban anyone from moving
anywhere in the USA.

The only person that can Ban anyone from
immigrating to the USA is the President of the USA.

A Law passed in 1952 states that the Pres. can put a halt
to anyone immigrating to the USA.

Jimmy Carter used that law in 1979. During the Hostage crisis
Carter forbid Iranians from entering the country.
Carter also issued an order that all Iranians
all ready in the country must report to the 
Immigration Dept. to have their status verified.

15,000 Iranians were Deported in 1979.

The fine line in the Law is that Trump said Muslims. Jimmy Carter said Iranians.
One is a Religion & one is a Country...

Then one gets into whether Islam (Muslim) is simply
a Religion or a way of life & thus a country unto itself.

Bottom line? Mayor Nutter is about one Month away
from unemployment and so far down
the Political Food Chain that he should just
STFU! when it comes to Presidential politics.


Grammer Checker said...

In the paragraph about Jimmy Carter, please correct the "all ready" to "already"...

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you caught that Grammer Checker! I once saw a post by Pea where he used the word
and after a comma! I was taught that a comma represents the word and in a sentence. Thus, when Pea has a comma
in a Post followed by the word and it's like he is saying and and. And that throws me off about the whole meaning
of his Post. Know what I meen?

EJM said...

i had nothing to do with either of these comments.

Gerald Pea said...

Ha! that is funny EJM. I have my suspicions as to who the Grammar Checkers are.
This is why I think it would be a great idea if we had a Grammar Family bee!
The Grammar bee would be monitored by Susan Cavada who has something like
dual PHD's in Grammar, penmanship, diction, punctuation, spelling, the History of
the Dangling participle and the proper use of verbs & conjunctions or whatever...

Anonymous said...

er, I guess that should read "A Family Grammar bee" Pea!

Tshirtim said...

Where in the world would Susan pick that gene up?


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