Friday, May 20, 2016

How the Media influences things

On Saturday Trump's daughter graduated from Penn.
The AP & the Inquirer showed a 'head shot' of Trumps daughter, Tiffany,
from when she was in a Fashion Show in NYC.

Tiffany is Trumps daughter from his marriage to Marla Maples.
They live in California.
This is a photo of Tiffany & her Mom preparing for the Graduation.

Why would the AP (Associated Press) use the Fashion Show
full make-up photo of the graduate instead of the photo
with the Mom & Daughter together? And the Inquirer uses the Model Photo!
AP is the source of about 80% of all news stories & photos.

I found the better photo & a number of other good ones in about two minutes,
so why did "" choose the bad photo?


Oneofyoursympatheticsiblings said...

Pea, get a grip!!!! U R clearly implying a conspiracy.....suggestion: vacate the cave and take a very deep breath of fresh air. The preference of pics is simply a subjective case of which one do u prefer isn't it? You obviously prefer one over the other. Why can u not accept the same holds true for whomever chose the other photo......Loosen up and have a glass of geritol. Time is running out...have a few laughs.

Gerald Pea said...

AP and chose the bad looking photo of Tiffany at her Graduation from the University of Pa,
as opposed to the more appealing photo of Tiffany Trump in cap & gown with her Mother because the AP
and the people do not like Tiffany's Dad. No conspiracy theorizing is obvious and
juvenile on the part of a so called News Organization...Liberals are pathetic...

Ben Gay said...

Love to have the cosmetic business in this family.....