Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Weber has survived its 14th winter & now enters its 15th Grilling Season!

The Weber grill was invented by a guy named Wee Willie Webber who was a weatherman
 on TV & a radio personality from 1955 ' til about 2010. Wee Willie believed
that when Spring arrived, wee, the Public needed an outlet from the dark/dreary days of Winter.
And Wee Willie loved grilled meat! pork/ribs/burgers/chicken/beef/buffalo/venison whatever,
Wee Willie Webber was a Griller! That's why he invented the Webber Grill...

(that is actually a narrative for the clueless millenials but don't tell them, let em figure it out)

my winter weather weber
Wee Willie Webber with a prototype grill

Anyway, my weber is ready for grilling
15 years after it was born!
whistle clean

Not sure if I use my Grill more than my vehicle.
Low mileage on both

is what I do...


Old Smokey said...

Congrats to your Webber, Pea...that's amazingly long life. I been thru 4 of them in 12 years!

blaze said...

Invite me to lunch someday and you can whip me up a burger on your "wee willie"... I'm a traditional Weber charcoal guy. Pretty much only chicken and burgers. It is also a fact that when/if I grill, I have to have a beer in one hand and the spatula in the other, and, maybe a towel over my shoulder in honor of Big Jack.

Gerald Pea said...

I am pretty much famous for my grilled shishkabobs...

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