Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Tomorrow we leave on a 6,000 mile Brother Bonding Trip.

All the "outfits" I will need are in this bag.

Maureen surprised each of us with a Super Hot/
Super Cold phermos type thing...(how do it know?)

Since TJ has yet to pack, I have no photos of his gear.

long, long trip...this Map view gets us just past Denver.
Timmy wants to stop for Fossil studies!


Army Brat's Mama said...

I hope stopping in NC on your way home!! We have enough rooms for all 3 of the BM's to stay in there own room! By the end of your trip you may want to take me up on this....

j said...

If u make denver u must call Verne George in Aurora...I already set up a meet up with him....he knows the Rockies & will give you excellent info....took me on a wild ride thru the most beautiful mts. "Rocky Mountain High....." Do it!!!! Gerry will want to drive right thru but that's a huge mistake Tim......control the auto.....u'll probably never get the chance again.....

one of the wanderers said...

Verne is on our map. I understand that Verne knows where the Buffalo (now called Bison) roam...

Tshirtim said...

UPDATE DAY 1 - Quo Bro Vadis

We left Lancaster at 7:20 AM. 2:40 PM we have Charleston W Va in our rearview and we're headed to Louisville KY. Staying with our UPS friends and old neighbors, Andy & Colleen Hepfinger, overnight. Gonna kill a few beers and catch up on 16 years of, " So what's new?"