Friday, August 12, 2016

Another thing about Road Trips...

You need to have a Planner...somebody that digs into the details. The...

  • where
  • when
  • how 
  • and Why

It's sorta like Ike planning D day! But Ike did not have 
Triple AAA, Google Maps nor the Weather Channel.

Your road partners may complain, may ask...
'why are we going here?'

But, you need to sorta stick to the plan.

Unless of course you are confronted with
Pill Boxes!

In that case you need to alter your Plan!

By the way, neither Michael nor Timmy wanted to play cards.

When you do decide to take a trip you need to travel
with a card player...

1 comment:

Tshirtim said...

Now you folks know why our trip was sponsored by Miracle Ear. Michael heard Gerry say, " Wanna play with cars?" Thus, the photo stop in TX panhandle.