Monday, December 26, 2016

In the middle of the 80's I had two boys, but I knew who George Michael was...

I did like this song and a few of his others...could not understand a word he was saying...
but I liked the beat & his moves...the Image was also a little much. He could also play the guitar
and write songs...

But...Today? One of my Daughters-in-Law says she cried when he died.

So I Post this for Kelly, Courtney & George Michael...was he also known as 'Boy George'?

Even Frank liked his Talent...and Frank was not known for his compliments...


Gerald Pea said...

Courtney actually had no comment on the passing of George Michael, but if I had mentioned daughters-in-law without mentioning both of them, I would have probably stepped in doo-doo...

Georgie Girl said...

I believe "Boy George" is another "George"...just sayin'.

Mary said...

Pea, where did u find the Sinatra letter? It was maahvelous!! Great posting, Pea..doobie, doobie, doo...

Do any US cities have these?