Wednesday, February 8, 2017

There is so much Political stuff still going on I am forced to go Political...

Senator Blumenthal from Conn said today that Pres Trump's Supreme Court nominee
told him that he (the nominee) was not happy that Trump (the US Pres) criticized a Federal Judge!

But who is Richard Blumenthal, Senator from Connecticut? Should we believe him?

But you know what? Nobody pays attention!

I Googled this guy (actually he has been on my Radar for years)
Google says he is worth $85million! I thought to myself, I must be wrong about Richard.
How did he make his money?

I found out that Richard's Dad was the President of what they now call a 'Hedge Fund'

So I re-Googled and this is what I got...

The Trump Hate is getting ridiculous. Even Liberal Blogs are suggesting they may be over doing the nastiness. But there are a whole lot more Liberal sites that are saying they will not stop making anti Trump stuff up! "Hammer On" I saw one Liberal site say just an hour ago...

Richard was Elected & re-Elected and is now the Senior Senator from the great state of Connecticut...

1 comment:

Tshirtim said...

He proudly served in the Marine trenches with Seamus McCaffery one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer. Thank you for your very part time service gentlemen.
Part Time Fi