Saturday, April 22, 2017

I don't care what you say...

...the best athletes in the World today are Basketball players!

Bikers are good at biking, golfers are good at golfing.  Track stars are good at running, jumping and tossing things.

Soccer players are good @ running & kicking. Football players are specialists:  a runner, a blocker,
a tackler, a receiver, a passer.

Baseball players are baseball players, LAX players nobody knows about.

Ice Hockey is something I know nothing about. I just know that I have never seen an Ice Hockey player jump really High in the air.

I believe I am the only person perusing the blog that has watched the ongoing NBA Playoffs.

I'm just telling you, if you are not watching you are missing some Great Basketball/Athletic stuff!


Oscar said...

You are correct Pea. They are the best & keep getting better.

St,A's guard '59 to '61 said...

Pea..stop singing their praises..let them raise the basket 2 feet, let them play by the old rules, no palming, no do realize you bragging about guys who dunk all nite long, on a basket that is the same height that your grandson, plays on...they only have to jump 6 inches to stuff it...and people go crazy over their "skills".. c'mon man, raise da hoop, den we see who got game! Spin dribble, pop the J !

Eligah Crampits said...

Bring back the Weave, Set-shot and short silkies...Boola,boola...

Even MSNBC Viewers Were Revolted