Saturday, April 29, 2017

I think the message was missed on the first go-round

13+ Million views on Facebook. What does that tell you?


Siberian Sam said...

Being a child of the 50's,60's, has perhaps influenced my perception, feelings, about the Russian accent..I admit, comrade, I find it, how do you say? Annoyink, disturbink..suffice to say, It reminds me of bomb shelters, spies, babushkas, women wis no teeth, wet woolly clothes and Premier Krushchev..nyet? Pea, please consider this a more Russian cleeps, or you will receive visitor, nyet? Capeesh, comrade? I not keedink!

Tshirtim said...

Geez Pea, that Ruskie guy is like those spy novels you devour. Better get MOH to start you car before you head out to Aldi.

I know some people that watched the butt kicking today in person...

  Sons & Grandsons... (The sons' are the shorter ones...) Justin, Luke, Jason & Sam...