Monday, May 1, 2017

David Geffen just sold his Malibu House for $85 million!

Oh Man! We were right there & we did not make a Bid!

It was a bit Hazy

Michael & Timmy took some time to synchronize with
the ATT Satellite in the Sky I guess

we were located where that Purple thing is...

Michael & Timmy thought they were cool disguised as Feltonville Surveyors.

Me? I was telling them 'you need to make an offer!'

We were thinking if Geffen was in some kind of
Financial difficulty he may accept a Bid of say
The neighborhood was not at all Exciting & looked like it offered very few amenities..


Tshirtim said...

Pea you are right on! Not impressed with Malibu. Got the strong feeling that it was "walled off". For $85 mill youse could buy WILDWOOD!!

Gerald Pea said...

and just like Wilewood, Malibu has free Beaches! A Family with their umbrellas, coolers and baby cages could just saunter by their picture window to the Free Beach!

This land is my land said...

What a grand time we had, though..stopping at Denny's in Winslow Arizona, Cracker Barrel in Oklahoma (where the winds come whippin' down the plains..) Cupcakes in Long Beach, Cali..Ice cream cone in LosBros.Mexico..Let's do it again!

Gerald Pea said...

Is that you Pete?


The event, among the most unique campaign stops in local Pennsylvania presidential politics, brought out huge crowds, tight security and the...