Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Of course MOST people are nice and want to be left alone to do what they want to do...

and maybe it can be a Smart thing to carry a sidearm at certain times.;postID=2524811002661835958;onPublishedMenu=template;onClosedMenu=template;postNum=1;src=postname


Uncle John (Christopher's Pop Pop) said...

Creative artists often say, "look at things from different angles to gain perspective". I agree with everything this bright woman said. I also believe the terms liberal/conservative should be considered outdated and looked at from a different perspective. The world is incredibly complex in most topics. Yet, close minded people who live and breath by predetermined ideology want to package all thought/actions into two simple groups of perspective. I always say, "what is the topic? Explain it and I'll give you my perspective (i.e., liberal/conservative). I too cringe at political perspective. The diversity of people in the world is too complex to reduce perspective/attitudes/reactions to liberal or conservative. It just perpetuates the useless name calling and anger we have currently. The woman here makes a brilliantly simple point, 75% of Muslims are good peaceful people but they do nothing to solve the problem of Islamic radicalism. Everyone else is equally culpable by being so narrow minded and relying on a simplistic ineffective perspective of lefty/'s just the mouth doing the work that the mind refuses to do.

Gerald Pea said...

The Panel makes no mention of Liberal vs Conservatives or lefty/righty. I think the bright woman is simply asking, what are you
peaceful muslims going to do about the radical muslims?


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