Friday, June 2, 2017

I think I finally understand why Hillary lost almost seven months ago...

James Comey, the Russians, the DNC, the Media, the email falsehood, my husband,
1000 Russian spys or maybe it was those guys in Macedonia?


Justice for all said...

I found what she had to say, very interesting. Why did we not know this, at the time? I believe people would have connected the dots and saw the connection. I need to read her book, in fact all Americans who care about justice and truth, should purchase her book and get to the truth about this sham of an election. We've been duped, again. Disgraceful election.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am a huge supporter of Hillary andI cannot wait until her book comes out about this whole Debacle!

Oh, and I was also at the Womens March on January 21 and bought a pink/pussy hat. When I got home
after the March my kids mocked me! Does anyone want to buy a pink hat to commerate the day?
Sorta like an iconic Woodstock photo? hello...hello?

Anonymous said...

Strong opinions are stronger when the author identifies with them.....who is anonymous?