Sunday, June 18, 2017

Uncle Phil's vehicle always smelled of coffee...

I mentioned to my Landlords (they are the ones on each end)
  I am not a big coffee guy. We were having breakfast cake & coffee @ the time.

My lanlords mentioned that in all their years together there were 3 times they asked a waitress,
"what brand of coffee is this" and in each case they were told 'Ireland/Irish' coffee.

So who in our family sold Ireland coffee? Yep, it was Uncle Phil!

I tried looking it up. Even AMAZON doesn't carry it but it is still available to restaurants.
Neat story...I wonder who took over Uncle Phils route?

Meanwhile, George blew it when he was offered coffee...


john jr. said...

Original name was Adelphia coffee....I worked with Dad one year when he took over Phil's route while Phil took a vacation. Dad actually loved it (better than the times he managed Frank Osterle's Sinclair station @ 5th & Allegheny). Dad also brought the truck to Sea Isle during our 'summer at the beach'. Also remember going to a drive-in movie and all the kids were in the back & when we arrived at the pay booth Dad told us all to get under the blankets he brought. The clerk counted all the heads, Mother & Dad alone in the front seat, and we got in free....I believe my memory is correct but the movie may have been during the Sea Isle summer or the drive-in in Langhorne....big brown rectangular wraps of coffee bags delivered to diners/restaurants....still smell the coffee and the sound of the truck in traffic....I never got paid come to think of it.... Several times I stopped by t osee Phil & Mary and it gave Phil an opportunity to have a couple scotch/rocks since Mary monitored his drinking but allowed since I also drank scotch....I was surprised one night when I realized Phil had thick glasses on to see the tv....great guy and Aunt Mary also a true McKendry, daughter of Mae & Tom....took her to dinner at Thanksgiving time ac ouple yrs. ago (after falling off a ladder in the shop & cracking a rib just 2 hrs. befor picking her up). Had a nice candid talk about her family & growing up in their household.....

j. jr. said...

BTW: Phil from Iowa met Mary Mck. because Uncle Dan was his pal in the US Army and thought Phil should meet his sister....that's 'the resst of the story..."

Gerald Pea said...

Good stories big bro, just one correction. Phil & Dan were Fly-boys...US Air Force. Army guys used to say,
only two things come out of the sky (not weather related) Bird Shit & the Air Force...GI Joe humor.

Tshirtim said...

I beg to differ with you Pea. It was the US Army Air Corps until 1941, then US Army Air Forces until 1947. So you were technically half wrong/half right.