Monday, July 3, 2017

Once you get The McKendry Account you are pretty much assured the Monthly overhead is covered. So everything else is Gravy...

Aaron introduced the family to the May garage about
three years ago.

They do good work @ a reasonable price.
(they fix cars)

Since Timmy & Maureen & their kids & their
Grandkids & their Friends & neighbors
& work associates & people Maureen meets
@ Shopping, plus Timmy's Knight's of Columbus crowd,
and the Church group...

& Katies Dad's patients that may need car repairs after he repairs 
their knees, Hips or whatever. Not to mention all the patients
Katies Mom meets while doing Nurse stuff for patients that may need work on their car.

And the people that Bill & Seana meet that may ask them 
"do you have a Mechanic?"

Then we got Paddy & his gear head friends & who knows what those Dudes are talking about,
mechanically speaking...

So all of the above is about the Lititz Beer Festival & the Fact
that the May's Service Center is a Sponser...

and their Shop is doing quite well.

need work on the Graphics...

They actually sell tickets to the the Festival.

Not sure if Aaron can make it back to Lititz
to be in the Parade repping Mays!


Gerald Pea said...

Oh yea, I forgot to mention that Molly is gearing up for a run to be the next Mayor of Lititz!

Hilary R. Clinton said...

If Molly thinks she's capable then she should 'go for it'....get out and shake hands and just ask for the votes. Women will back her but those Amish guys don't impress me as being pro-women opportunists....who knows, maybe their women will exercise their frustrations and jump in the parade for Molly McKendry White's election...Do It!!!!!

Welp! Now we're screwed... Social Security Checks Could Stop Going Out by April, Ex-Head ...