Thursday, July 6, 2017

Well I've never been to Hamburg...but I really like their protests,

they are some of the best. They've been doing it for years now & they should really let it rest...

...but the Germans are the Best at it...
they really know how to stir things up.

1914 Berlin

1939 Hamburg

So where is Hamburg, Germany?

They also had riots around 1968 about something...
Abby did out-do them in 1968 though...
So anyway, the same crowd is rioting today over the G-20 countries showing up!
These are pretty much the richest countries in the world & they gather every
few years to discuss things like Trade, tarriffs, taxes, human rights, climate change,
the worlds status & how to get more money from the poor people in the world!

So what kind of Anarchist doesn't want to show up and go crazy & Party
in that kind of Gig? It's sorta like Woodstock! The babes, the rock & roll vs the cops, the chicks,
we will have TV coverage...we can wear masks & hoodies, the puntang! Gas
masks, concussion bombs? tear gas & LGBTQxyz people may be 
there too!

The coverage from Europe
My boyfriend is so Cool!
My boyfriend is injured! Help him!
My boyfriend is so Cool!
Even though he is injured he is still fingering them!

the parents must be So proud...

1 comment:

I am not making this up said...

Pea, I was there. Abby was getting laid from grade school 'til he died at 59.
Abby was born a rebel & chicks like rebels...Abby had more sex in 1967-68
than John Lennon & Mick Jagger combined! And Abby did not sing or play a musical intrument!

Pentagon’s Partisan Letter Against Trump, Hegseth

IBRAM X. KENDI General Milley