Saturday, July 29, 2017

You may be the Adult, but the little ones do Judge you...

and they will continue judging you...

...every year. year after year...

Vada Stubbs is on the right in the top photo
& on the left in the bottom photo.

Vada lives in Texas & is the daughter of Samantha & Trey.
Trey is a native Texan. They met in college
@ Syracuse U...(they know jim boeheim)
Samantha is the elder daughter of Kevin & Carey.

Kevin & Carey now have three daughters & four grandaughters!

I liked the concept behind the Onesies...

1 comment:

amd said...

adorable baby. good-looking mommy & daddy. judy ann is smiling @ her family

Welp! Now we're screwed... Social Security Checks Could Stop Going Out by April, Ex-Head ...