Thursday, August 17, 2017

History repeats itself...

We had a basket in our driveway when we were young.

  • Who put it there?
  • It was a very popular spot back in the day
  • I am thinking the Basket had a concrete foundation. Who did that?
  •  Did Timmy & Mike Galvin dig a hole & pour some concrete?
  • Or did Dad?
I really don't  remember. I just remember kickin' John's ass 0ne on one in the driveway!

Anyway...this is Luke taking a shot from the corner of his back yard while his 
older brother is no where in the area, Justin would be # 2...

Oops! Wrong photo

Luke had 10 friends over to run Full Court!
The court looks a lot better than the D sreet driveway court...

So who did put up the Basket in our driveway?


Mr Sheckman said...

I'm thinking that Michael & his friend Dan Regan put that damn basket in! I remember watching them digging a hole.

Tshirtim said...

Wasn't me. Dad's deposit check bounced a few times. He tried the old "I'll pay yiz when yer done" move.

Footlocker said...

Get those CA kids some sneakers!

jemck said...

John dug the holes, dropped in the 4" x 4" poles, and used trash found plywood and a rim/net purchased by Mary Frances to complete backboard et al. I felt proud but soon was humiliated by Mary Frances in a 1 on 1 tussle wearing my very own Olney Nomads red jersey. She won with an ankle breaking crossover move......and uuhh, Gerry, again, is delusional. Dreaming never ends in Gerry's world.

After the 4:00 PM dinner...