Friday, September 15, 2017

I see what you did there Aldi

This month's coffee on the left

July's coffee on the right.

So I called the Aldi Home Office
and asked why the cost increase for coffee?

They blamed it on the Coffee Bean growers that claim they were affected by the Hurricanes that hit the USA the last month. They said, "if the Gas companies can do it why can't we"?

This is a map of the Bean growers countries

Yep, none of them actually got hit by a Major hurricane in the past month.
But what the Heck! If the Gas companies can do it, why not us Bean Growers?

Americans need their Fuel!!!!


Tshirtim said...

They don't give a hill of beans about your complaint!!

Gerald Pea said...

In a show of Solidarity I think all Americans should stop drinking Coffee for at least 8 months...

Blaze said...

wait, you made a phone call?