Saturday, March 31, 2018

MICHIGAN...One of the Final Two...

The German born aircraft carrier beat the Ramblers from Chicago tonight!

too tall

too strong...

for Sister Jeans Dream Team


Anonymous said...

I have a brother that once lived in Michigan with his family, so maybe I will cheer for theminyellow...

anonymous2 said...

I have a brother that got totally screwed by Villanova so maybe I will cheer for theminyellowtoo

anonymous3 said...

I also have a brother that got totally screwed by Villanova but finally made it back on campus 30 years later when he was
servicing their vending machines & was surpeised at how small the campus is! And the Dorms were also lacking...
I will also be rooting for those in notinmellowyellowguys.

Alyce said...

what does the min yellow mean?

Dorno said...

I had a business meeting in Detroit once! Detroit is in Michigan

Anonymous MichaelPatrick said...

What is the Topic here? What is everybody typing about?