Thursday, April 5, 2018

Walked over a Mile this is a Mile long Post...

4th floor on the right of the screen, right above the Main entrance. Dermatology. I have been there many times, but not in the past two years. The Lebonon, Pa VA lost their Derma Doc & sent us to private practiice Docs. Can you imagine that?
I hooked up with Brownstone Dermatology in Hummelstown.
I got to choose.

My Brownstone Doc left the practice so they dumped me after two years.

So I am now back at the VA visiting a new Derma Doc today...

 I went to the 4th floor as usual & they told me Derma moved to bldg 18. Stupid me said,
bldg down the long corridor where X-rays & MRI's are taken?
The person said yes,  they are on the 4th floor. 
It is a long walk from the building I was in to the bldg I was thinking of!
I went to the 4th floor, No Derma Docs there.
So I went from the center of the photo above all the way to
the right side of the photo and was told that The Derma Doc was located on the left side of the 
above photo! So I walked down two more corridors.
the one I just walked up and
the one I had to walk down to to get to bldg 118!
So the layout of the building in the picture is that the
Center is bldg 117, the right side of the bldg is
bldg ONE and the left side of the bldg is 
Building 118!
where the Derma Docs ae located on the 4th floor.

Which brings me to my New Dermatologist VA Doctor!
Dr Sara. My first ever visit with a millenial Doc. Doc Sara was great.
She looked to me to be about 30.

She wore no white doctor smock, she wore a blue A-line fashionable dress with 
what I thought of as Yoga pants under the dress with 1/4" heels.

She proceeded to Zap me multiple times, biopsy me 3 times and did it 
all without gloved hands! 

Plus she is from Manheim Township, Loves the new Chik-fa-lay
& when she asked me where I lived & I narrowed it down to
Blossom Hill, she said Oh, the Rich part of town!

Despite what you may read in the News, I and many other people 
just love the attention we get from the VA Medical people.

One thing they need is better signage!

and I need to do more walking...

1 comment:

jmck2 said...

Pea, If Sara leaves town I recommend Dr.Jeffrey Kligman of Chestnut Hill. He's been removing my skin, centimeter by centimeter, for the past couple years. My daughter, Nicole Elizabeth recommended him and I couldn't be happier. I like him so much I visit him often for a variety of prickly exercises. In fact, I have my 5th procedure since, since Christmas, coming up on May1. He's become the Happy Family Skin Man for us since Nicole and Momma Kevin (I call her X1) also patronized Dr. JK. So, if u need a new one, just let me know and I'll get you in. And it's just a short cavernous buildings. Ciao.