Sunday, May 13, 2018

My Mother once told me secretly that if I want, I could call her Mom!

And then she said, "Don't you tell your sister & brothers I said that!"

My Mother was quite the character...


Tshirtim said...

Oh really?!?! She told me I could call her Micky. Top that.

Deuce said...

Thank you, Gerald Peter, I knew you had a stash of pics.....I have none. BTW, in 5th grade Mother told me to call her Pal or Buddy, but only when we were alone.
Story: I've saved a letter Mother sent me at St. Francis. in the letter was $3. and a note, "sorry I can't say too much because I'm making dinner, hot dogs & baked beans. try to make this stretch. Love you more than the others, Mother (Pal)."

Tshirtim said...

Unless the letter is notarized, FAKE NEWS!

Deuce said...

The letter does exist, in her hand, in pencil. I assume you recorded her comment to you? Otherwise, Fake News.

Grandson Justin did not win the $5million on the Beast Games...

 The Beast Games are on Amazon Prime... My opinion?  The most good-looking guy on the show & they did not give him enough camera time!😊...