Saturday, September 22, 2018

Are you living in a diverse environment?


wanna know said...

All of my friends & family are white. I often see black & hispanic/asian people
in my daily doings. Am I supposed to talk to them & ask them to be my friend?

Sweet Uncle John said...

Diversity is at the central core and spirit of the 'New World', America. Hopefully, in a couple years we can return to that spirit, legally, of course. No other civilization, in history, in any other country in the world, has ever been as diverse, ergo, messy, as America the Beautiful.

BTW: based on official government statistics, immigrants are less criminal and more individually productive (self employed) than, so called, natives. We're all offspring of Immigrants (and no, the entry standards were not always strict, eg., if they could pass a physical with no transferable diseases and had a place to go to, eg., Phil & Mary McDermott had a sibling to house them and they gained entry. The spirit of America is not "I'm in, now close the gates", or, "They're the wrong color or religion or, or or I just don't like them". Charity, kindness, understanding were taught as Works of Mercy, at one time....

Yes, legal entry is the only acceptable way today, but kidnapping/stealing and losing children is not historically or ethically the proudest American practice. Anyone doing the same would be imprisoned, regardless of their motivation. Seems, in this case, laws are inconvenient. Just imagine a govt. taking your children and giving them away after lying to you and deporting you without the children. Can you say mean spirited, punitive, unnecessary, cruel, criminal? But, I suppose, I digresssssssssss......Sometimes I just can't help myself when issues tick me off......