Wednesday, September 19, 2018

It has been a while since I posted some old family photos

A few of them...


sis said...

I don't even think WE have those pics. Thanks for sharing!

#2 said...

I am making a humble request to borrow any pics from any of you. The only pics I have are one tiny one of Alyce, me and Mother & Dad when I was about 2 or 3 and a portrait of Mother, which is at Nicole's. I'm amazed at the many photos I see from time to time....If I can borrow, I'll make an album for my daughter and grandkids to have in the future. I'm realizing now, sadly, that I was probably ignored when the $$ inheritance checks were mailed....

Gerald Pea said...

#2, you need to learn how to take photos from Posts by other people. Download them to your 'puter & go
to CVS to have then printed for 5Cents or more. You no longer have to borrow photos from anyone. Or, you can make a Photo Album on the Intersnet, (as George W called it), and put it on a photostick for the Grandkids.