Monday, October 15, 2018

It's good to see a Basketball Player in the Family...

Tourney MVP!

Justin's Mom said that Justin was amazing!
(she provided no stats or info)

Justin's Mom said they won the Tournament with just 6 guys...
(Mom provided no video)

I have only seen Justin play one game & he surprised me.
He handles w/both hands/ penetrates/dishes/gets fouled a lot/and makes the foul shots!

A good point guard.


Coach Jack Mack said...

This is great....a new generation has begun.....hopefully he has far better 'liftoff' than Uncle John. BBall is a struggle without 'liftoff'. His Dad, Mark Samuel had liftoff and a bilateral handle but for whatever reason, his coach at GA didn't see what most could see...
'Burn it on the Left Coast, Jason.."

Note: poor guy on the left has serious 'varus of the knees/bowlegged (aka Jake Dutch Dornisch syndrome)...hope I'm wrong but the pic seems to indicate such.....

Dutch said...

Pea, please understand, Moms’ do not offer stats. They simply have to say he/she was awesome. They ate that other team up, couldn’t hold a candle to our guys (which means boys/girls). Moms simply say it. If you don’t believe she will rip your heart out. No stats. Grandmom can be worse!

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!