Monday, December 31, 2018

Just one final 2018 Post

From my old Family photos...

To you & yours...


One final photo to end the year on Jason's Birthday...

He was the only Guy cousin that showed up at 
The Family Christmas Party...very cool photo
courtesy of m. heimbuch & crew...

Dec 31, 1977

Happy Birthday Jason! 

It was a Saturday morning. He was born @ 7:47AM. Abington Hospital.

  • His declared name was Dennis
I picked up Sam (who was 4) & we went back to the hospital to see Mom & Dennis.

I asked Sam if he liked the name Dennis & he said, "not really".

So we went to the Hospital Administration office & changed the name to Jason!

You could do that kind of stuff back then...Maryann said that was fine.

Maryann was sorta drugged up. They did that kind of stuff back then...

No social media back then, so the family did not know of the birth until I
showed up in Wycombe that night at Michael's Rockin' New Year's Eve Party!

Thirty Years ago to the day...The Fog Bowl...

And we were at a bar in Arizona at the time celebrating Jason's
11th & could not see a blessed thing!

So this Sunday the Eagles need to beat the Bears
for what happened 30 years ago!

Happy Birthday to you....sweet revenge...

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Some recent voters...

Pa has 50 State Senators (can you believe that?) The Entire Country has only 100 Senators!

No wonder we don't know who our State Senator is! Click on this...

Have you ever heard of any of those people?  Do you even know what District you live in?

I think they prefer it that way...Pa also has 203 House of Representative Members...

The average salary of a Pa Legislator is $87,180 + a $183.00 per diem...

Just Imagine what goes on at the Federal Level?

Monday, December 24, 2018

Ronan turned 10 this month

Yesterday during the Eagles game we asked him if he remembers the
'Always trust your cape' video...He did not remember, so here it is 5 yrs later!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Saint Nick wins another nail biter!

Would it not be great to see Lily & her Dad in another famous photo?

and Lily would still have no memory of it!

But she would have a photo...

Is the Globe too Large?

or is Bryn too small?

Looks really large to me.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Bad mix...Bible/Politics/Jesus/education

Why did us Catholic kids not learn the bible?

To this day I know very little about it.

But Luis Gutierrez, 13 term congressman
from Illinois sure does!

He is 'retiring' in January by the way...

Luis made a scene...Kirstjen Nielsen tried to respond & Luis walked out!

just a thought...Why give your kids a first name that is difficult to spell or pronounce? I'm just askin'...

Monday, December 17, 2018

We now know to what extent those dastardly Russians went to influence the 2016 election!

The esteemed congressman, Gerry Nadler from NY city,
finally nailed the CEO of Google on the details!

Shocking! The Russians are known for always getting a big bang for their buck!

Eagles hanging in there!

The Pass:

The Catch:

And then the obligatory Step over...

And I can here the Queen song playing...
"We are The Champions"!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Brynn is excited for the Christmas Party!

Got her hair done Friday night...


Snip/blow dry...

And style!

Rubber Biscuit

Cow cow hoo-oo
Cow cow wanna dib-a-doo
Chicken hon-a-chick-a-chick hole-a-hubba
Hey fried chuck-a-lucka wanna jubba
Hi-low nay wanna dubba hubba
Day down sum wanna jigga-wah
Dell rown ay wanna lubba hubba
Mull an' a mound chicka lubba hubba
Fay down ah wanna dippa-zippa-dippa
Mm-mmn, do that again!
Doo doo doo boo

Cow cow lubba 'n a blubba lubba
How rown hibb'n 'n a hibba-lu
How low lubbin 'n a blubba-lubba
Hey ride ricky ticky hubba lubba
Dull ow de moun' chicky hubba lubba
Went down trucka lucka wanna do-uh
How low a zippin 'n a hubba-lu
Hey ride ricky ticky blubba-lu
How low duh woody woody pecker pecker

Mm-hmm, did you ever hear
Of a wish sandwich?
Well, that's the kind of a sandwich
That is supposed to take
Two pieces of bread
And wish you had some meat
Doo doo boo

Cow cow lubba 'n a blubba lubba
Hey ride hibbin' and zippin 'n
How luvva mail take a lubba hubba
Hey ride wanna take a recca recca
How low take a lubba hubba
Hey ride wanna 'n suppa suppa
How low a mail take a lubba hubba
Hey ride a hippin' and a hubbin' no
High low 'n sum a chicka wha

The other day
I ate a ricochet biscuit
Well, that's the kind of biscuit
That's supposed to
Bounce off the wall
Back in your mouth
If it don't bounce back
You go hungry
Doo doo boo

Cow cow lubba 'n a blubba lubba
Hey low a sum did a lubba goin'
Hey ride wanna take a-lubba do
How long long suppa dubba
How low a mail take a lubba hubba
Hey ride wanna take a lubba hubba
How low a mail take a lubba hubba
Hey down nothin' take a luvva do
Hey ride a sippin' and a hubba dubba

Mmm, the other day
I ate a cool water sandwich
And a Sunday-go-to-meeting bun
Doo doo boo
Cow cow lubba 'n a-blubba lubba
Hey ride ricky ticky hubba lubba
How low a wanna suppa do
Hey ride sippin' and hubba lubba
Hey ride a-hubbin' and wan' do
Hey ride a wanna an' recca recca
How low a mail take lubba hubba
Hey down a wanna suppa dubba
Please ride a hubbin' gonna do

What you owe for nothin'
Rubber biscuit
Doo doo doo boo
Cow cow ooooooooh

Read all about one of my favorite songs.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

When I was young, I thought an Engineer drove a train...I confused a Minor with a Miner...

When me & my friends went on a camping trip to New York,
where the drinking age was 18 our oldest guy was 17 &
he put on a trench coat & fake mustache
and got the 8 of us two six packs!

Sign outside the Bar said
I literally thought it meant they don't serve Minors because 
if minors go in the mine drunk they will cause a cave-in!

My friend was a Minor... he actually put on a hat/trench coat/stasch
and "got served"!

We had 12 bottles of beer between the eight of us 
and we thought we were Partying!

Now I realize that Engineers shape our world.
Ultra rich control it, but they would be nowhere w/o the
Engineers that make it all happen.

And I'm sorta scared for the next generation & what the 
engineers will come up with next...

Monday, December 10, 2018

Sunday, December 9, 2018

A Fail Safe Christmas tree light test

While in the process of stringing your tree with lights
take a step back. Go to the other side of the room and


This will give you a better perspective on
the equal distribution of your lights!

I give this movie FOUR STARS...

$10 million budget, Grossed close to $100 million.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Nightly Update! Shaping' up ain't it Court?

Brynn's chosen room... she liked the view.

Paint job by Courtney...

Lots of tugging & scraping

"We could have the beds in this weekend if I still had my Dodge Ram Court!"

"does UBER do trucks?"

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

New Home first step...

Open the door

Second step...tear out the old rugs...
3rd step/ find a scraping tool!
4th step?
Do a high-five with the wife and Scream,

We don't have to buy wall to wall carpeting!

We got genuine old wood floors!@#$!

Monday, December 3, 2018

ALDI now has a new store in Ephrata!

Jason & Courtney have never shopped ALDI.
I am looking forward to going with them
on their 1st trip!

$47.00 can get you so much @ ALDI's!

and the eagles won...

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Today I started looking through & scanning some old photos...

Good thing I did. Some of them feel damp & I do have a bunch of them...

Photos from a while ago

and photos of our nutty bro...

Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Harry & David Basket

we received from the Californians for Thanksgiving

Is about to be completely consumed...

We had Nuts, Popcorn, Chocolate & a bunch of other Good stuff!

Thank you Sa, Kel, Lefty, Mandie, Luke & Luna...

Miami to Zurich...well done

Learn Zurichian!

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!