Friday, December 21, 2018

Bad mix...Bible/Politics/Jesus/education

Why did us Catholic kids not learn the bible?

To this day I know very little about it.

But Luis Gutierrez, 13 term congressman
from Illinois sure does!

He is 'retiring' in January by the way...

Luis made a scene...Kirstjen Nielsen tried to respond & Luis walked out!

just a thought...Why give your kids a first name that is difficult to spell or pronounce? I'm just askin'...

1 comment:

Paul Dornisch said...

Unfortunately, the honorable Mr Gutierrez does not know what he is talking about. Mary & Joseph were not illegal immigrants. They were citizens of Israel and simply traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem to comply with Goverment request to complete the census. Can we call this fake news on his part? Dorno