Wednesday, April 24, 2019

It was 7AM on the 4th Wednesday of the month...

...and I started hyperventilating...

My social security check deposit did not appear on my
on-line bank statement!

It was a nightmare! I thought, maybe I'm still sleeping?
First time in 12 years that my check was not there...

Three hours of hitting the Refresh button on
my 'puter produced nothing!

I actually went upstairs to tell my Landlord
the Rent check may be late this month because of Trump!

It was not until 12:35PM that the deposit was made to my account.
My Landlord tells me I should make a call to 
Congessman Smucker's office for an explanation.

My Landlord said, "with a name like Smucker he has to be good"

his 1st name is Lloyd.
I will call Lloyd tomorrow...

1 comment:

Gerald Pea said...

I called Lloyd's office & was told that Lloyd would look in to "the matter" if I donate
at least $25.00. The more I donate the deeper Lloyd will dig...

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!