Friday, May 24, 2019

A small part of my past reminds me of days gone by & our three Presidents that were born in the same year. It was 1946...

St Charles Borrmeo Seminary

The Lower Side was to the left in the photo,
the Upper Side was to the right.

This news actually makes me somewhat sad.
I was there for only 8 or 9 months.

Very good memories...I left in Sept 1966.
Got drafted in Oct 1966...I appealed my case
with the help of Dutch...we lost our case.

The Seminary Dean dimed me out to the draft board,
along with a number of other seminarian 'drop outs'

I was in The Army by February 1967

I knew nothing about the Bone Spur option!

I will say this about that time...there were so, so many men that did not want to go there and
I do not hold it against anyone that dodged or avoided it.

The privileged college kids did not go...if you were married you were put at
the end of the line, if you had a Doc that declared you 4F you were lucky!

And none of our three Presidents born in 1946 served active duty during those years.

1 comment:

Tshirtim said...

And a lot of us joined “F” Troop, or as it was officially known, US Army Reserves.

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!