Thursday, July 11, 2019

Economics 101 and sports...

Supply & demand...if people demand your product you increase your supply & you make more $$$.

Sport League Revenue:

  1. NFL...2017...$15 billion
  2. MLB...2017...$10 billion
  3. NBA...2016...$6 billion
  4. NHL...2017...$5 billion
FIFA (federation international football association) runs soccer throughout the world. 
They have been around since 1904. Their big money maker is the World Cup which is held every four years...Odd years for the Women...the US won this year.

And even years for the Men...

French Men Won it all in 2018. Bet you did not know that.

So back to Economics 101...

The Mens' World Cup in 2016 generated $6 billion in Revenue for FIFA.

The Womens' World Cup in 2015 generated $173million for FIFA.
  • Did you catch that? The mens tournament generated
  • $6billion dollars...the womens tournament generated
  • $173million
  • and they want equal pay...sue me...Oh, wait a second, they did!...

2019 World Cup numbers will probably be higher for the women than the 
2015 year was because the USA won this year & no country in the 
World produces more Revenue than the USA!

FIFA cannot wait until the Mens' USA Soccer Team does what
the Ladies did this year...

Would probably double their 2016 haul.

'cause it's all about the Benjamins...


Tshirtim said...

Well said Pea.

Tshirtim said...

Unamed female to me:”The women soccer players should get equal pay”
Me-“Did you watch the Cup matches?”
Unnamed female to me- “No. Soccer is too boring.”