Saturday, October 26, 2019

A person on the street Geography quiz...

1 comment:

Uncle John / Pop Pop said...

Perfect gift for grandkids, a GLOBE with bells & whistles, so their attention is captured. They will live in a much smaller world (think internet & globalism). Arguing that fact is a waste of energy. In fact, learning Spanish, Mandarin, Chinese, if possible, and Japanese? or French (just because it's so beautiful). Why? Keep in mind their world will be substantially different then ours has been, eg., it's predicted that within 20/25 yrs. far different population mix and Spanish will be as prevalent as English. Caucasians will be substantially reduced as the dominant race.
Think Espanol...9teachers, business world, social services, municipal govt. jobs, labor management, a few). Get em a good globe......Gerald Peter was ahead of the curve on this..... BTW: I taught HS history and was amazed. "Why do we have to learn this stuff, we don't live there."