Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why Trump is being impeached

Adam Shiff, chair of the intelligence committee passes the baton to Jerry Nadler,
chair of the judiciary committee on Wednesday.

 Jerry's committee will present us with four law scholars that will
explain to us morons what the founding fathers meant when they put impeachment
in the constitution as a means to get rid of a president that was a danger to the country!

Being pissed off that your favored candidate was not elected is not a reason for impeachment.

But here we are, some 230 years later and we now have you tube!


Most annoying brother said...

I cannot let this pass as fact. Pea, apparently you're only reading selective pro trump literature and ignoring "facts" of this case. The past election has nothing, nada, to use a Russian term, to do with this impeachment procedure. Read the Constitution and do some research on why the Founding Fathers included impeachment. trump is exactly what they described and feared would eventually happen, ie., a potus who assumes he is "above the laws of our country" and is an absolute ruler, or, is above the other two Equal (as described by the Founders of our Three-Part govt.) branches of govt. As he is quoted, "I can do whatever I want", NO, you cannot. We do not have emperors or absolute rulers and we are not a monarchy. He has been found to have abused his power, repeatedly and endangered the security of our elections by requesting foreign adversaries to intervene by investigating his political opponents. This is a crime against our Constitution and since he continues to this day, it is imperative that we stop him by the only means we have, Impeachment. In addition, by his refusal to allow any of his 10 closest henchmen to testify and by refusing to allow any relevant paperwork/relevant notes to be shared with Congress, he is also guilty of Obstructing the legal investigation. Of course, your blog, but please make a cursory effort to state facts and not propaganda. This is a serious time for our country.

Gerald Pea said...

MAB...I disagree.


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