Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Short Story about a Long delivery

Back in early January, brother Tim accompanied me on a visit to the VA doctor. Timothy is my "listener". They know us there! Been going there together for more than eight years now.

On this visit , Tim asked the nurse if she could provide me with a handicap parking permit.

Helen said, sure. " I'll get the paperwork ready while the Doc sees you". Doc comes in, asks his questions, probes, types on his lap-top, nods, types on his lap-top & signs the Form for the permit!

On the same day we visited the VA Doc I ordered a lounge chair on e-bay.

Within five business days the 80lb chair was delivered from a warehouse in California to Lancaster, Pa & I am Loving it!  Makes it so EZ to Rise & Shine!

Meanwhile, this Monday, 2/17/2020 will mark week # five since I sent the DMV
form to Harrisburg, Pa with no response!

Brother Tim, the Listener, even called the Local State Rep days ago to complain.
He told them, "My brother got an 80lb handicap chair delivered from a warehouse in Ca in 5 business days & you people are incapable of delivering a one ounce plaque the 38 miles from Hbg to Lancaster within Five Weeks!@#$%!

Let that sink in! Five days for delivery of an 80lb chair over 3000 miles...

And it is now Five weeks and No delivery of a 
one ounce Handicap plaque from our State Capitol 38 miles away!

And there will be no plaque delivered this Monday because it is a Federal Holiday!@#$%!

1 comment:

Tshirtim said...

Vetting takes time. The PSP have been seen in the woods behind your patio. It is believed that they have filmed you during your sunrise tai chi routine. That fitness expert at Anytime Fitness; a state trooper sergeant!

They’re on to ya Pea!! Brother John’s call to the Handicap Hotline blew the lid off your scam. Busted.