Sunday, June 14, 2020

Timmy & Maureen's sons-in-law...

...installed a twenty foot hight flag pole today, Flag Day...With Lighting!

All the kids & grandkids stood around singing 
The Star Spangled Banner while I raised the Flag!

And they knew all the words!


Gerald Pea said...

I'm actually getting a lot of Flashback from my Headline. So I may have to resign from my position as the Blog Editor.
Actually, Grandson's Timmy & Declan dug the hole for the flag. And pretty much just one son-in-law did most of the work.
That would be Meghan's husband Aaron! Aaron can pretty much fix everything. I apologize for the Fake Headline...

Tshirtim said...

Take a knee, Pea!

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!