Friday, July 31, 2020

You know what's great about this Infinity remote?

If you hold down the blue button and request a show/movie/game
or whatever, it shows up!

I just asked the blue button to find me Major League Baseball.

And I was directed to channel 3019! 3019!

Where I am now watching the Red Sox vs Yankees.

Now who clicks their TV clicker all the way to 3019?


Oh yea, I did clean it up when I saw how dirty it was on the internet photo!

Thursday, July 30, 2020

It's time for another Dennis Prager Post...

This is what Samantha Bee thinks of Prager

And this is Prager being interviewed by a young Brit.

It is a long & comprehensive interview...

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Brynn has had a $5.00 Tooth Fairy Tooth hanging for about Two weeks...

...when she visited me over last week end I offered to go a round with her. And knock that $5.00 tooth out! Brynn told me, I'm not ready yet grandpop...

So today, Brynn went two rounds with her Dad!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Cleaning things up...

Still need to ad more bubble makers

And some places for hiding out...

Friday, July 24, 2020

When things get stirred up

a fog usually sets in...

I have neglected my fish tank since February...covid, Timmy,
pmr disease, lack of energy; yada, yada, yada...

But Jason, Courtney & Brynn are coming tomorrow so I 
had to get off my ass! Have not seen them
since January!

So I stirred things up today. Hopefully, things will clear up
in the AM.

Kind of reminds me of the infamous Fog Bowl from 1988.
Eagles vs Bears!

Buddy Ryan stirred things up that year.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Uhmm...looks like Dr Fauci

may have messed up...

Three 'relatively' old fossils

As a hard of hearing person, I find it fascinating that there are certain old songs that I still remember most of the words to.

With the advent of TV closed captioning, I find it fascinating how many songs I thought I knew
the words to.  Like..."raindrops keep falling on my bed...and just like a guy...

PS...I should mention that the person that did the closed caption for this video is also, probably hearing impaired.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Riddle me this...

Why would a company pay $9.2 billion to buy the classified ads section of an old company?

EBay to sell classified ad business to Adevinta for $9.2 billion

When is the last time you opened your daily paper or went on-line to check out the classified Ads?

I'm looking to sell my bike. The last source I would pay to advertise the sale is the Phila Inquire classified Ads!

Monday, July 20, 2020

What is meant by the "Case Fatality Rate"

Well, if your source for info is The Guardian (a Lefty publication) it means we in America are screwed and most of us will die!

Coronavirus death rate: what it is, what it isn't and why US can expect it to rise...

But if you read a Right Wing, racist, white supremicist news source you will find that
  • The Case Fatality Rate world wide is 4.3%
  • That means that for every 100,000 people that get covid19 4300 people die
Some stats about the Case Fatality Rate (CFR)
  • The USA CFR is 3.8%
  • The EU is 10.3%
  • France is 17.3%
  • The UK is 15.4%
  • and The Netherlands is 11.9%
But you won't see that on the World News Tonight.

Every night when the sun goes down

...this little guy starts hanging around...

Just hangs there...

silking & stalking

and in the morning light he is gone! Along with the web...

How does he do that?

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Summer is half over & I haven't seen The Flying Californians since November!

To get them all back in the air, I may have found the perfect device...

I can't remember a time when they have gone this long without catching a flight to somewhere!

School will start soon...purchase 5 Bio-shields and fly somewhere!

Even MSNBC Viewers Were Revolted