Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I had no idea that The Little Sisters of the Poor employed so many women on birth control pills!

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Little Sisters in Contraception-Mandate Case

As many as 125,000 women could lose contraceptive coverage from their employer-sponsored health insurance after a Supreme Court ruling today,” announced CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell, rhetorically clutching her pearls.

Or am I missing something here?


Tshirtim said...

Wow! With THAT many employees you’d think their sports teams would have a better reputation.����

JMcK said...

Nice American organization...yeah, up, lawsuit v. the Little Sis's...why? Not one damn man in the entire order.....this is 21st century!!!!!!
No men's teams, no male students, discriminatory.....END this.....Fed up!!!!!

After the 4:00 PM dinner...