Friday, December 25, 2020

A Christmas Day tribute to Courtney & her sister Alyson...

They are both RN's, Courtney in Phila, her twin sister in NYC. 

They both deal with covid patients. Courtney & her daughter have tested positive.
Courtney had headaches & lost smell & taste senses.
And ten days of work, which they paid her for...
Her daughter showed no effects & is fine.

But. Since around April, Courtney arrives home about 8PM.
Jason meets her in the garage with a robe.
They put her work clothes in a plastic bag.
And Courtney goes inside for a shower.

And sometimes has a glass of wine or two...

That's Hero stuff.


That Gal from Montreal said...

The both of them are truly Heroes!

Anonymous said...

God Bless

Do any US cities have these?