Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Eddie Blaze & Strum Media know asphalt!

Strum Media virtually produced this video during Covid for a company called Vestenamer I think!


Unk Paul said...

After 2 beers most fami!y members are already asleep!

Gerald Pea said...

I was on Guard Duty last night. It was an uneventful watch.

Gerald Pea said...

Brother Timothy tells me I need to provide more detail on this Post. He said he saw people doing asphalt paving & asked me
what was the point of the post. I asked him if he watched it & read the narrative. No, he said.

So I told him it is a video that Eddies' Strum Video production company did virtually (somehow) about asphalt.

And the best thing about it is that Eddie got paid for it...!

Grandson Justin did not win the $5million on the Beast Games...

 The Beast Games are on Amazon Prime... My opinion?  The most good-looking guy on the show & they did not give him enough camera time!😊...