Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Oil & gas are now blaśe


Over on ABC’s World News Tonight, they were all in on pushing the administration’s line that Biden's executive orders were actually job makers. “Former President Trump regularly told supporters that Biden's climate policies would cost them their jobs,” chief White House correspondent Cecilia Vega said as she questioned climate czar John Kerry:

VEGA: There certainly are oil and gas industry workers who are watching you both right now who will hear the message, that the takeaway to them is that they are seeing an end to their livelihoods. What do you say to them?

KERRY: I think that, unfortunately, workers have been fed a false narrative. No surprise, right? They've been fed the notion that, somehow, dealing with climate is coming at their expense. No, it's not.

Question by The Blog...

What's a climate czar & what's his take-home pay?

1 comment:

Gerald Pea said...

If ending oil & gas is what they want to do, John Kerry is the wrong spokesperson for the administration.
Kerry is a dinosaur that flies private jets & sails ocean yachts. Why they would they choose this man to pitch
climate change is beyond my comprehension.

Even MSNBC Viewers Were Revolted