Saturday, February 27, 2021

Can someone explain this to me?

Net Neutrality is now the law in California: 

From what I understand, the Trump Administration put an end to it.

I believe it pretty much has to do with Equality & Fairness..., i.e.

Everybody gets the same amount of 'bandwidth' whether you can
pay for more or not.

I believe Bandwidth has to do with how fast your Intersnet(GWB label)
provides your computer w/ info, streaming, movies, etal.

In my conservative mind set, I look at this as the Gov't telling us this Law is the more
Equal & Fair thing to do.

It does not matter that you may be able to afford to pay the cable co's $$$
to provide you with more bandwidth...
We should all be provided the same access, with the same bandwidth speed.

But I'm thinking, some need faster speeds to access the Intersnet info like: 
* The military
* Hospitals
* Law enforcement
* Ships at sea
* Airplanes in the sky
* Weather stations
* etc.
* & ME!

I know that no-one will respond but I'm just thinking about stuff.

It's sort of like the Gov't telling car mfr's they can only sell Saturns' now!

Even if some citizens can afford a Benz.

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