Tuesday, March 2, 2021

It may be a repeat of a repeat of an old song but it's Elvis for goodness sakes!

Airplanes trains & sunshine...and early morning

sittin' downtown in a railway station in Phila

Grandpop & Sam on the dock 

Brynn's sunshine dolls
(and Jason's slugger near the front door)


Amanda settling in...

another family get together

Sister-in-Law Linda & niece Taryn just Love my Blog!

I'm just randomly clicking on photos @ the moment

Bear with me...

Patton is not dead...he's resting.

early morning

somebody stop me!


1 comment:

John Jr. said...

A great singing voice is a huge GIFT in one's DNA. As one who skipped over, I still burn thinking of the premature death of Elvis. One Great voice. Shame he got skipped over in the brain area. Just stupid self destruction.

Welp! Now we're screwed...

  https://www.yahoo.com/news/social-security-checks-could-stop-215943024.html Social Security Checks Could Stop Going Out by April, Ex-Head ...