Monday, February 15, 2021

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in...

I thought Election Month 2020 ended my involvement in politics.

I thought, I'm done. I fought a good fight.

Some history...

The first guy that caught my attention in National politics was...

I can't tell you why, I just liked was 1956.

I never really lost interest in politics, I just kept it to myself.

* In 1960 I wanted Kennedy to win
* I remember running to Roosevelt Blvd to watch his motorcade drive by
* I kept watching & listening to what Kennedy was doing
* Your brother is your Atty general? Not a good idea I thought.
* I actually went to the Feltonville Library to look up Dean Rusk...
* Could not find anything...did not know the Dewey Dismal System...

Then I went to High School!

We took the bus & we walked some to get there. No parent drop-offs.

Nobody I met there talked politics.

Nobody I knew there talked anything but sports, boners & the cafeteria.

I floated thru 9th, 10th & 11th grade & was passed on to grade12...

12th grade piqued my interest!

November 22, 1963 during the basketball season, with a Friday night
game scheduled, we learned that President Kennedy had been killed!

The USA was cancelled! It was like the week of 9/11/2001...

Such sadness

Back to politics!

Who the hell is Lyndon B Johnson, I thought.

Back to the Feltonville Library & I found out he was from Texas,
a real big shot. Flew in a helicopter to visit the rural areas of 
Texas for re-election. I remember thinking, what does rural mean.

I'll skip to today...and what this post is about.

Trump is the first President in our History to be impeached twice!

* Nancy Pelosi is the first Speaker of the House to bring impeachment
charges vs The President of the United States & A Former President of
the United States in the History of our country!

Speaker Pelosi is now 0 for 2 in her endeavor...


Aly D said...

Pea: I love that you have such varied interests. All the time I lived with you @ 4918, I DID NOT KNOW you had such an interest in were (are) always such a quiet one. Sorry there were no dinner-table political conversations back THAT would have been somethin'!! Howsomever........

Gerald Pea said...

Aly D...THAT would have been somethin'! ...i'm smiling at you....

Do any US cities have these?