Saturday, March 6, 2021

Deceptively nasty weather yesterday

 *  There was bright sunshine as I looked out my window in the early morning

* The flag was not streaming

* but when I went outside my windshield was covered with frost!

* I then went to Aldi's & bought provisions. I was putting them in the back of my Soul

* When I was hit by a cold & nasty wind coming out of the West!

When I got home I checked the weather map.
 It appears that spring will spring itself next week!

 Now I am no Wally Kinnan 

But, the forecast for next week looks pretty good to me.

There is always the chance that we may get a springtime snowfall, but
I do not see any "existential weather threat" thru the spring or summer!


An existential threat is a threat to something’s very existence—when the continued being of something is at stake or in danger. It is used to describe threats to actual living things as well to nonliving things, such as a country or an ideology.

** What I am waiting for is the temp to get above 50 degrees on Blossom Hill so I can venture out on on my bike. I generally do not ride a bike on cold & windy days...

but for some reason, there are a number of prominent 'Existentialists" out there  that want us fearful of the weather for some reason.

Weather changes all the time. Am I right about that?

People throughout history are known to adapt to conditions!

example...look how well we all adapted from analog to digital!

I'm serious! Humans are not the only species on the planet that adapt to changing conditions.
All species go through it. The dinosaurs did not adapt when the meteors rained down from above &
thank goodness they did not! But the cockroaches adapted & still live among us.

My question is, will humans survive & adapt from the thinkings of the john kerry's of todays world?

be that as it may...President Joe seems very pleased that John has joined his Team of Existentialists

PS * there will be occasions where the older/wiser Pea will wander back to politics as a Topic to point out 
the existential threat that some politicians present...

Today is one of those occasions.

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