Monday, May 30, 2022

Celebrating Memorial Day...

I would be agreeable to taking a vote of the American people
to change our National Anthem to "God Bless America"

I just think it's a better song. I like the words. I like the beat...ez to dance to...& it's short!

In the fall of 1938, as fascism and war threatened Europe, Irving Berlin decided to write a peace song. He recalled an unpublished version of a song that he had set aside in a trunk, took it out and shaped it into a second national anthem, "God Bless America."


john mckendry said...

Yes Yes Yes, change the National song. It is abysmally uninspiring, it emits little respect from the masses, and only a few actually know the proud! Ugh.

Uncle John said...

Suggestion: Google some Irish or British soccer matches and hearing a stadium full of fans singing together is very inspiring. I once attended a local game in Ireland on a sunny Sunday
And was stunned to stand and singing the Irish National Anthem (didn't know a word but moved me mouth). There weren't more than 500 fans present but it was chilling.