Friday, May 27, 2022

Who'll Stop The Rain?

1 comment:

john mckendry said...

Gerry, watching that I think, how many of us have ever heard the sound, daily, of helicopters, planes, explosions, or been in the presence of war wounded, soldiers coming/going, huge cargo planes unloading and knowing that at any time peace and personal safety could disappear. This being Memorial Day weekend, I always think of my roommate, 1st Lt. Bill Ryan, USMC, and remind myself how proud I am of you and several college friends, who actually spent time in that God forsaken experience. Life just becomes it's own rhythm/tune after, but I always think of the guys who aren't here. I Love/respect you and many others who have spent time in a war zone, and haven't spent your life bragging and seeking attention. I understand why. Better than anyone, you value your good luck and respect those who didn't have the same. Praise the memory of those who gave their lives, as young men/women in service to our country (in any war). They are our Real Patriots. No claim otherwise compares.