Sunday, October 16, 2022

Remember The Mueller Investigation & The Mueller Report & The Mueller Testimony & The Russian Collusion & the hubbub of a 2016 stolen election?

 It is actually still active. 

Just last week there was a trial for a guy named Danchenko, who has been accused of lying to the FBI.

The public no longer has an interest in this story, but I do.

"We really pulled one over them, didn't we pals!'

I remember Mueller 'acting' old & confused at a congressional hearing. 

At the Danchenko trial last week, the attorneys were not so much interested in what Danchenko actually did, as they were interested in what Robert Mueller & his band of anti-Trump prosecutors were up to in their nearly two year investigation about Russian collusion!

I truly believe that History will find these people despicable.


1 comment:

RealDonaldTrump said...

I agree!