Saturday, November 26, 2022

A favorite photo. Justin, his sister & a friend in search of a hoop...

 He just enjoys a place to shoot em up...

such places are tough to find in Granada, Spain

A plus is that Justin & sis now speak fluent Spanish.

Actually, the whole family now speaks Spanish.

Eleven years later


Poppy & 'just a few' grandkids!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Eva may have run too Hard, too High and too Fast...

What is altitude sickness?

If you’ve ever hiked up a mountain and felt yourself getting nauseous or lightheaded, you may have experienced altitude sickness, also called mountain sickness. This condition happens when you travel to a high altitude (elevation) too quickly.

It doesn’t happen only to hikers. Just visiting a high-altitude location can cause problems for some. Symptoms happen when your body tries to adjust to the lower air pressure and lower oxygen levels at high altitudes.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Just like kids!

Sometimes young bears just want to have fun...

Sunday, November 20, 2022

It looked to me that the Eagles were taunting the Colts...

 on that last series of plays before they scored the winning touchdown!

It was like the Eagles were saying, we'll let the clock run down
to 4th down because we know we can score anytime we want...

Friday, November 18, 2022

This kind of stuff puts me in a bad mood...

This is the Secretary of today's Army

Madame Secretary, Your Woke Policies are Killing the Army

Recently, Army secretary Christine Wormuth, who never served a day in the military, grabbed the microphone at an event sponsored by the Association of the United States Army to address a topic near-and-dear to the left: wokeness.

"I'm not sure what woke means," Wormuth claimed (see at 14:48).  "If woke means we are not focused on warfighting, we are not focused on readiness, that doesn't reflect what I see at installations all around the country or overseas when I go and visit.  But we do have a wide range of soldiers in our Army and we have got to make them all feel included.  And that's why a lot of our diversity, equity, and inclusion programs are important."

So the secretary wants "diversity, equity, and inclusion" programs so that all the soldiers "feel included"?  And she claims not to know what woke means in the military? 

Here's a quick primer, Madame Secretary — just the tip of the woke iceberg you claim not to recognize.

  • The unprecedented McCarthyesque sixty-day "stand-down" imposed in January 2021, to discuss alleged "extremism" in the ranks, as if the Army is full of "extremists," whatever that means.
  • Recruiting self-identified transgender soldiers, so the government can pay for genital-mutilating surgery with taxpayer dollars.
  • Proposing watered down physical training requirements for women, solely for the sake of "inclusion" of women in combat, when women, on the whole, are much weaker than men, and such forced inclusion runs the risk of getting Americans killed.
  • Insisting upon foolish gender pronouns for so-called "nonbinary troops," like him/shim/it/they/them/that.
  • Forcing troops into foolish wasteful training on the likes of "gender pronouns" and "gender dysphoria."
  • Forcing Critical Race Theory into the United States Military Academy with racist, anti-white propaganda via lectures entitled "Understanding Whiteness and White Rage" and forcing West Point cadets to watch slides entitled "Queer Theory" and "White Power at West Point."
  • Wasting taxpayer money by promoting so-called "Pride Month" celebrations, thus using federal tax dollars to openly favor one group over others.
  • Wasting taxpayer money on so-called "Diversity Equity and Inclusion" programs, as if the military has not been a diverse institution, and, in doing so, pulling troops away from actual training that promotes military readiness.
  • Dressing men in women's dresses, heels, and pantyhose, then commissioning them as officers or making them NCOs and asking them to lead troops when America's national security is on the line.  As a side note, we note that the Army's first "transgender" officer has now been indicted for providing classified materials to the Russians — a topic on which the secretary has remained curiously mum.
  • Ridiculously claiming that "climate change" is an "existential threat to national security," as if the temperature caused Putin to invade Ukraine, or as if bin Laden orchestrated the 9/11 attacks because of some melting iceberg, or as if some rain storm might cause China to invade Taiwan.
  • Draconian vaccination mandates, jabbing soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines with experimental vaccinations, although military members were never seriously threatened by COVID.
  • The carte blanche denial of vaccination exemption requests based upon religious grounds.
  • Removing good soldiers from the military who decline the experimental COVID vaccine.
  • Paying for female soldiers, at taxpayers' expense, to travel across state lines to get an abortion, and thus arguably violating the Hatch Act.

All this foolishness embodies the Democrat party's political aims, rammed down soldiers' throats, detracting from force readiness and undermining morale among the troops.  And there's your "woke" in the military, Madame Secretary.

The secretary claims that the Army is operationally ready, as if she is somehow qualified to assess military readiness, though she never served a day in uniform.  She knows this, she says, because she's visited posts and installations at home and overseas.



Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Going unnoticed today in TDS Main Stream News...


57 y.o. Psychologist & CNN contributor niece of The Donald lost her case in court.

Michael Cohen, Trump's former attorney also lost in court this week.

Three more to go for The Donald:

NY State AG Letitia James
 is suing The Donald & his kids for inflating their assets to get loans!

I'm not sure why Alvin Bragg, the DA of Manhattan is suing The Donald,
but I'm guessing it is about money & politics.

And then we have Georgia, 2000

DA Fani Willis is also suing Trump over his phone call
after the 2020 election!

Trump also faces the most important & serious January 6 Committee!
and their questions...

John (Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.) Denver is alive and lives in Munich Germany!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Some Election Day predictions from the staff at the


Hochul will win New New York (D)
Kemp will win Georgia (R)
Lombardo in Nevada (R)
Koteck will take Oregon (D)
Shapiro will landslide in Pa (D)
Arizona will be won by Lake (R)
Grisham will be the governor of New Mexico (D)

Arizona: Kelly will win (D)
Johnson will win in Wisconsin (R)
Hassan wins New Hampshire (D)
Fetterman in Pennsylvania (D)
In Georgia, Walker wins (R)
Ohio goes to Vance (R)
Budd beats Beasley in North Carolina (R)

The House of Representatives

There are too many to analyze, but!

Historically, a first term President loses 27 seats in The House.

Right now, Dems hold a 220 to 212 lead.
(one Republican has died & 2 Dems retired)

Bottom line? Today should be fun TV!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Friday, November 4, 2022

A Friday night 'best of'

Yea right! If only I had golden strings I could sound just like this...

I'm happy... who among us thought back in March the Phillies would take us to the World Series?


Houston is a really good baseball team,
but there is Hope, if the Phillies manager has the guts to replace one Nick for another Nick!

This is our current Nick,
our right fielder & the # 5 hitter in the lineup.
Have you noticed him at all this year?

I would like to see the old Nick replaced by the young Nick.
Nick Mason, who plays the infield & outfield & replaced the old Nick in right field when the old Nick was injured he & did a really good job.

The young Nick was celebrated as the hero of a game!

In fairness, I have searched for photos of the old Nick being celebrated...

I did not find any

I was surprised to find that the Phil's are his fourth team!
The Phillies signed him to a five year (guaranteed contract) @ $20 million per year!


The 30 year old Nick makes $20 million per year

The 25 year old Nick makes $570,000
and in my opinion he plays baseball better than the 30 year old Nick.

Hang in there. A parade is still a possible possibility!

headed south towards the warmth

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

"everything was quiet" on the family text screens this halloween night

The Phillies got rained on...

Halloween night bummer!

If you had a laugh coming into Center City on I-76 you can thank local attorney James Helm, founder of TopDog Law.

Helm is the guy behind the massive trolling message on a billboard at mile marker 345.8 on the Schuylkill Expressway, which squarely targets Philadelphia’s current public enemy number one: the Houston Astros.

James Helm? He may be Philly's answer to 'Better call Saul'


What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!