Saturday, February 15, 2025

If Trump does not do what The Courts say, we have ourselves a Constitutional Crisis!

Oh wait...AOC suggested exactly that just a little time ago...OMG...

This was a REAL Constitutional Crises!
Missouri's Dred Scott Case,1857. In its 1857 decision that stunned the nation, the United States Supreme Court upheld slavery in United States territories, denied the legality of black citizenship in America, and declared the Missouri Compromise to be unconstitutional.

Democrats cheered the ruling...
President Buchanan ( a Democrat)
President Buchanan publicly endorsed the Dred Scott decision in his inaugural address, stating that the issue of slavery in territories was "happily, a matter of but little practical importance" and that the Supreme Court would soon settle it "speedily and finally," essentially indicating his support for the ruling even before it was officially announced; this move further inflamed tensions over slavery as many saw it as siding with the South. 
He was voted out in 1860 & Lincoln took over...The Civil War started a year later because the 
House, the Senate & The White House could not agree on anything!
That was a Constitutional Crises that ended 
up with nearly 700,000 Americans dead on 
american soil...More than any other of the 
wars that America has fought "combined"!

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