Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Banks & The Big Family Advantage...

I tried this Spiel 15-16 years ago and it went Nowhere...But it is a new day and there are new parties participating, and since I control the Material on the Blog... here goes:
We now have in the Family; Bankers, Lawyers, Teachers, Engineers, Chefs, Money makers, Children makers, (limo drivers), Future Movie Producers and Real Estate Moguls...not to mention Graphic Designers, Money Market experts, Plumbers, Woodcrafters, Granite& Marble Dealers, Transportation Experts and people that know all about air products....and vintage Volkswagons. Did i mention the Experts we have in Make-up & Personal Grooming Products???
Point is...we have a diverse and vibrant core to establish our own Financial Institution for our Future offspring! What is a BANK other than a bunch of people pooling their money for the benefit of all? You do-not know or even think about the people that make Deposits to your existing Bank...you just want your Bank Officer to approve your request for a Mortgage, Car Loan, Home Improvements, School Loan, etc...Right?
Many ethnic groups do this and have no need for Bankers when it comes to Family Matters...Jews, Asians, Islanders, Viets, and on and on...
I could go on about the Benefits of a Pooled Family Fund
Think about it
The family and its' extended members reach into the Hundreds...
That's a Real Advantage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If all family members are in the BANK; who would co-sign for all of us???? Better put, who would co-sign for ANY of us?? Just order a few deposit slips but lotsa withdrawal slips.

I am waiting for a Joe & Dr Jill GO FUND ME page

  for Hunter, his five kids & his wife... Following the presidency of Joe Biden, according to  The Daily Beast , Hunter fell "on ha...