Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I have to comment on this

Barry hit number 756 tonite! Like it or not, you Baseball fans, Barry is now The Home Run King!
The controversy surrounding this fete involves Barry's use of "enhancing Drugs". Some suggest that this Fete should be ASTRICKED**** at the Hall of Fame.
I say......*hog wash*!!!
When Barry was using was it illegal by MLB rules?
Do you think other MLB Players were using at the same time?
While "on the juice" does it make it easier to make contact with a splitter?
If a Player today uses a Knee Brace does that give him an unfair advantage over yester-years players?
If a player today drinks he cheating?
If a player today has a Psych Coach and a Personal Trainor are they to be astericked?
No doubt Barry is Human Debris and a socially inept "enhancing drug infested" baseball player...
But he can HIT!
Times Change...ya gotta Change with the Times!!!


Anonymous said...

You write: "When Barry was using was it illegal by MLB rules?" I HATE this argument... Just because it is not written in the rule book doesn't mean it is legal. Umm, HELLO, steroids are illegal! Since the NFL does not have a rule prohibiting murdering your wife and girlfriend should Rae Carruth (WR - University of Colorado/Carolina Panther) be allowed to play again? He murdered his girlfriend and unborn child but there is no rule in the rule book saying he couldn't. I HATE this new Blog! I got something you can blog about… F Pete!

Anonymous said...

Dear Commish, you misinformed,Pete Rose bleeding,out of touch,drug supporting,excuse of a "fan" a result of your continued ranting on criminals such as Pete and Barry and Vick and are officially banned from ever visiting the "Hall of Fame" and I am encouraging all within the sound of this sign up and let us once and for all "impeach the Commish"...all who approve...say " I or AYE"...

I am waiting for a Joe & Dr Jill GO FUND ME page

  for Hunter, his five kids & his wife... Following the presidency of Joe Biden, according to  The Daily Beast , Hunter fell "on ha...